May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Speakers Events
Local regions are full of amazing entrepreneurs doing World class things in business - often under our nose without us even knowing!
Local Luminaries is about unearthing these entrepreneurs - sharing their stories - inspiring other entrepreneurs about the possibilities.
These events are also about connecting local entrepreneurs, building networks & encouraging collaboration.
All in a casual setting over a bite to eat & a few quiet beverages.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

what business can learn from buddhism
Speakers Events
A-Team Founder Courtney was fortunate to have been able to sit down with Tibetan Buddhist Rime Master Khentrul Rinpoche on his tour of Australia.
To a full room of local Entrepreneurs Khentrul Rinpoche shared the Buddhist philosophy & how it relates to the World of Business.
Including themes of Mentoring, Good Karma, Passion & Purpose, Mindfulness & Wellbeing.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Speakers Events
Local regions are full of amazing entrepreneurs doing World class things in business - often under our nose without us even knowing!
Local Luminaries is about unearthing these entrepreneurs - sharing their stories - inspiring other entrepreneurs about the possibilities.
These events are also about connecting local entrepreneurs, building networks & encouraging collaboration.
All in a casual setting over a bite to eat & a few quiet beverages.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Speakers Events
5-Day Virtual Summit run in conjunction with the Australian Entrepreneurs Alliance attracting over 1,500 attendees.
Featuring over 20 World Class Entrepreneurs including the likes of Collette Dinnigan AO & Michael McQueen discussing the likes of the Entrepreneurial Mindset & How to Build Successful Businesses.
Also featuring skills sessions on Social Media & Marketing, Start-Up Success, understanding Business Finance & Product Development.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Speakers Events
Autumn Retreat was all about Refresh & Rejuvenate with Yoga & Mindfulness interspersed with skills workshops on business development.
The Retreat took place over 2-days in the picturesque Bellinger Valley playing host to 12 Entrepreneurs at various stages of their business journey.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Producing high performing minds w. Wayne Donnelly
Speakers Events
Entertainer, Comedian and Hypnotist, Wayne Donnelly provides unique business services that sit at the forefront of creating positive change.
Through a powerful combination of Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) he removes all of those limiting blocks, such as lack of confidence, poor health, lack of focus and much more to improve the overall performance and mindsets of individuals so that they can achieve the most out of business and life.
Join us for drinks and nibbles and a light hearted approach to tackling the mental barriers that business and life throw at us!
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Speakers Events
Alt-Collective are currently working with the NSW State Government & a number of Local Government Agencies on the delivery of a 2-Day in-person Summit featuring keynotes & workshops, with a focus on building motivation & skills for the SME community following the challenges of the past 2-years (Bushfires, Floods, CoVid). Scheduled to take place in March 2022 and attract around 150 regional SME’s.
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Multi-Day Retreats
4-Nights & 4-Days of hanging out with likeminded entrepreneurs interspersing some of the best Mountain Biking trails in the World, with teachings from World class Entrepreneurs.
2021 Retreat was hosted in Derby Tasmania with the 2022 Retreat scheduled for Bright, Victoria March 16-20 in quality group accommodation in the heart of Bright.
We've wrangled one of Tassie's best Chefs to keep us fed & we'll be checking out some of the quality craft breweries the Victorian high country has on offer!
May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

Writers Block Sessions
Co-Working Sessions
Hosted by our content guru's Co-Author

want to run your own event?
Reach out today so we can discuss your next moves!