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11.00am - 11.45am AEDT - Q&A with ANZ Bank's Entrepreneur in Residence Daniel Bignold


Join a conversation with Entrepreneurship Facilitator Nic Bolto and Daniel Bignold on trends and insights with his and the banking sector's take on the Australian startup scene. Daniel was one of the lead figures in the set up of and brings a world of insights for people wanting to start a business. 


  • Financial Outlook for the Start-Up Sector

  • Tech & the Start-Up Sector

  • The Role Banks are Playing in the Start-Up Sector


Hosted by Nic Bolto a Winston Churchill Fellow & graduate of the Melbourne Business School. Nic has founded seven enterprises and coached and mentored over 3400 clients in all phases of their business goals, from ideation to validation, from go live to closure and from investment to acquisition.








12.00pm - 12.45pm AEDT - Legal Tips 101 for StartUps


If you have started a business and hit early trouble with a co-founder, a funding problem or a liability issue, you know what pain feels like. Join this informative session into the world of getting started in your business without the sleepless nights. We'll discuss...


  • Legal Challenges with Co-Founders

  • Legal Challenges with Funding

  • Legal Challenges with Liability Issues


SprintLaw Founder Alex Solo and Associate Anna Crews have helped 1,000s of Australian businesses avoid pitfalls and heartbreak in chasing their business dreams. Join Entrepreneurship Facilitator Nic Bolto as he runs them through their top tips for startups with a Q&A to finish. â€‹



3.30pm - 4..30pm AEDT - Facebook & Instagram Masterclass


We all know how the world changed over the past few years. The way that people have used social media has also changed. In this Facebook & Instagram Masterclass from Meta Australia Lead Trainer, Dante St James, you will learn:


  • How to leverage consumer shopping behaviour changes

  • How to work with video to reach more of the people who are ready to buy

  • How to create better content that draws better engagement


Dante St James is one of five Meta-accredited trainers in Australia and is considered one of the country's leading consultants on Facebook and Instagram for Business. Together with his accreditations as a Meta Digital Marketing Associate, Creative Professional, Media Planner and Community Manager, he has been assigned to work with some of Australia's biggest retailers, hospitality groups and entertainment companies. Based in Darwin, Dante is the region's Entrepreneurship Facilitator and an ASBAS Digital Solutions advisor whilst running his own digital marketing, training and cafe businesses. 






The Australian Entrepreneurs Alliance presents the 3rd annual all virtual EntrepreneurFEST with sessions courtesy of Entrepreneur Facilitators from around the nation. Entrepreneur Facilitator Services are free through funding from the Federal Government supporting business start-ups & established small business.


Monday November 21

10.00am - 11.00am AEDT - EntrepreneurFEST Launch & Round Table on Success in Entrepreneurship

Join the Australian Entrepreneur's Alliance for the official Launch of EntrepreneurFEST featuring Welcome to Country & Welcome by the Honourable Tony Burke MP - Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations. Plus we set the Scene with the Australian Entrepreneurs Alliance share their insights into Entrepreneurship having connected with 1,000's of Entrepreneurs over the past 12-Months including...


  • Trends in Entrepreneurship - Startup Entrepreneur who wants to test the building blocks of your business model to avoid wasting the time, energy, and money of the team, cofounders, and investors. 


  • Success in Entrepreneurship - Reality is only a small percentage of start-ups will see their 2nd or 3rd year in Business - we discuss some general commonalities in those who make it through to those who don't. 


  • The Future of Entrepreneurship - What's trending in the Start-Up space & what skills Entrepreneurs will need to bring to the table to succeed in future business. 


Presented by Australian Entrepreneurs Alliance, a collaboration of Business Coaches, Start-Up Founders & Business Support Services that have supported 1,000's of Start-Ups in the Australian & International Entrepreneurial space. 



2.00pm - 3.00pm AEDT - How to Construct the Perfect Home Page for Sales & SEO - Liz Haselgrove


Your website is  the MOST important marketing tool you have and so it's critical that is doing the best job possible of attracting your clients, and then converting them through the sales funnel to sales. Liz will walk you through some key tips that are easy to implement straight away that will improve your website straight away including...


  • An easy Home page layout that has been proven to WORK

  • What you need to change today to make a difference

  • Key SEO principles to power boost your chances of showing up in a Google search

  • How to make some small changes to your site that will make it really easy for Google to put you in front of clients


Presented by Liz Haselgrove has been studying Business for over three decades, and working with entrepreneurs and small businesses for nearly twenty years. She's helped thousands of businesses to explore their idea and work out how to make it successful. Her speciality is marketing and websites, she is an Authorised Trainer for Squarespace and has been a finalist for the Social Media Marketing Institute Awards for Best Social Media Educator for the past three years in a row.



Tuesday November 22

10.00am - 11.00am AEDT - Business on a budget - BOOTSTRAPPING in business - Sharon Harvey


Business on a budget, can it be done! YES. Does offline marketing still work? YES. Is Social Media dead, NO! Do you need to invest HEAPS to have a marketing strategy and get traction? NO!


  • Offline marketing - what is it, how much of it do I need to do?

  • Networking - how to do it effectively in 3 easy to remember steps.

  • How do I navigate social media without being overwhelmed whilst being low cost?

  • How do I run a marketing strategy to suit my time, budget and personality?


Presented by Southern Tasmanian Entrepreneur Facilitator Sharon Harvey, with over 20yrs experience in developing and owning business. Sharon is an advocate of authentic business practices, high touch, client focused, nurturing marketing strategies and a huge advocate of networking and building relationships. PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a link to join the webinar 24hrs before it starts. If you are unable to attend the live, keep your ticket as you will be sent the recording.


10.30am - 12noon AEDT - 50 + Business Ideas You Can Start From Home - Cheryl Royle


Want to start a business but don’t know what? Whether you are looking to quit the daily grind or trying to make extra cash as a way to get out of debt, starting an business or a side hustle can be the ideal way to meet your goals.


  • There are countless business opportunities just waiting for you to begin! The good news: Starting a business is within the reach of almost anyone who wants to take a risk and work hard, as are a plethora of low-cost ideas.


  • This presentation will introduce over 50 business ideas that might work for you and provide you with a great overview of how to successfully operate a business.


Presented by Hunter Futurepreneurs Entrepreneurship Facilitator, Cheryl Royle, founder of 6 businesses, business coach, & mentor, Sheryl has educated, supported, & coached 1000’s of business owners, & entrepreneurs across Australia.




1.00pm - 2.00pm AEDT - Selling a Service vs Selling a Product - Randall Walker


It is harder to sell an intangible service than it is to sell a tangible product. This workshop will assist service providers to better understand how a service is different to a product – learn about the 4 Characteristics of a Service. You have probably heard of the 4Ps in relation to marketing and selling a product, however, not many people have heard of the extra 3Ps required for a service. We talk...


  • Learn the 4 Characteristics of a Service and how it differs from a Product

  • Learn the 7Ps of Marketing and Selling a Service

  • Understand how to overcome the challenge of a service being tangible

  • "Tangibilise” your service offering so the purchase decision becomes easier


Randall has more than 20 year’s business development and consulting experience and a Master of Business Administration (Marketing). He has specialised in strategic marketing and branding & positioning, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement, destination and economic development, entrepreneurship and innovation, and hospitality & tourism management. He is passionately committed to businesses and organisations realising their full potential by adopting a customer orientation and embracing an innovative and sustainable approach. 



3.00pm - 4.00pm AEDT - 3 Ways to Generate Leads with Digital Marketing That Are Working Right Now - Ben Fewtrell


Generating leads through digital marketing can be incredibly frustrating and time consuming. You never really know what's going to work and you can end up wasting a lot of time and money trying different things. It's hard to keep up with all the changes in digital marketing, let alone know which ones will actually generate leads for your business. This workshop is designed to take the guesswork (and frustration) out of generating leads using digital marketing. You'll learn...


  • What’s working right now.

  • How to attract your ideal Clients.

  • How to convert them into Customers.

  • Mistakes to Avoid, & how to save Time & Money

  • 3 quickest and easiest ways to market your business online.


Workshop Facilitator Ben Fewtrell has personally generated millions of dollars in sales with Digital Marketing. Ben decided to master the art of generating leads and sales online and spent several years (and a lot of money too) attending masterclasses all over the world learning and testing different strategies, as a result, he now has predictable marketing that generates millions of dollars in sales every year!















Wednesday November 23

11.00am - 12.00pm AEDT - Intro to the Startup Scene & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Australia - Wendy Perry


A networked and collaborative startup ecosystem helps to grow stronger companies, so the sooner you get amongst it, the better! This event is designed to help new entrants and ecosystem members become quickly acquainted with the Australian startup scene. We'll cover...


  • Why Australia - share the reasons why Oz is an incredible place to start a company

  • Ecosystem Map - talk through the programs available

  • Where we fit - how the Entrepreneurship Facilitator Service (EFS) fits into the startup community

  • How to get connected - insiders tips

  • Things we care about - communities have shared attributes, it's important to be familiar with them

  • Ask me anything - ask the host anything you like about the ecosystem or their organisation's part in it


This event is a casual meeting style webinar, so feel free to each your brunch, grab a coffee and come equipped with at least one question you would like answered that will help your business.



12.00pm - 1.30pm AEDT - Validating Your Business Idea - Cheryl Royle


Got a business idea but dont know if it will work? We have all heard that many business fail within the first year.  We are often told the the main reason is the lack of money or bad execution. Though the root cause is usually lack of proper market research. To learn if a business idea has a chance to succeed, it needs to be validated. In this session, we’ll take a look at... 


  • Idea validation from the perspective of validating a new business idea, concept or a product.


  • Introduce some tools that you can use to discover whether or not your idea has real potential.


This session is suited for the Startup Entrepreneur who wants to test the building blocks of your business model to avoid wasting the time, energy, and money of the team, cofounders, and investors - Solopreneur who has a side hustle or an idea that isn’t quite yet a business.


Presented by Hunter Futurepreneurs Entrepreneurship Facilitator, Cheryl Royle, founder of 6 businesses, business coach, & mentor, Sheryl has educated, supported, & coached 1000’s of business owners, & entrepreneurs across Australia.




1.00pm AEDT - Identify your Sustainable Competitive Advantage - Darren Laudenbach


There are 3 key factors that drive success for a business, and they make up your Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). You must also celebrate and communicate your strengths. It is critical that the “uniqueness” of your business is clearly understood by customers so that your communications and promotions can cut through the clutter...


  • Identify what is truly unique about your business

  • Identify your competitive advantage from a customer experience perspective

  • Identify how you will address both financial & environmental sustainability

  • Increase lead generation by clearly communicating your Unique Selling Points

  • Increase conversions of leads by enhancing the customer experience


Darren's Laudenbach experience extends over 30 years & includes start-ups, franchises, business succession, sales & purchases. It includes 28 years in financial consulting, coaching, & advising in a company he jointly founded - Milestone Financial Services. 


2.00pm - 3.00pm AEDT - You are Your Brand: How to Confidently Become the Face of Your Business - Jackie Campell


People do business with people and the desision to buy is always based on emotion. We use our logical brain to justify the decision after the purchase decision is made. But how do you enagage this 'emotional response' in your client? How do you get them to see you and your business as the solution to their problem or desire? People remember people through the stories they tell and how they make them feel, when you connect YOUR story to YOUR business YOUR ideal clients will respond with 'Hey, thats for me! Thats what I am looking for.'   In small business you are your brand, YOU are its greatest asset.


  • An understanding of why your products and services are not for everyone (and why thats OK);  


  • Clarity around what you stand for, what you don't stand for and how to use this to craft a marketing plan that works for you and your business.


Presented by Jackie Campell - Western Australia Entrepreneur Facilitator. In 2004 Jackie got over corporate life & resigned from the biggest mining company in the world to follow her heart and do things her own way. She has been building and running small businesses ever since - challenging the way we run businesses, so they are what we dreamed them to be!




4.00pm - 5.00pm AEDT - Make More Sales by being Findable, Meaningful, and Compelling - Steve Jaenke


Organic traffic is the traffic that you get from the free listings in the search results. You can drive more traffic to your website by improving the position of your listing. Generally, the first position gets the majority of the clicks, the rest of the clicks are spread across the remaining positions.

Organic traffic is a great way to reach new customers online. You can improve your position in Google (and other search engines), and gain a greater share of organic traffic through search engine optimisation (SEO). In the webinar, you will learn about the three core areas to focus on in order to improve your position in search and increase your organic traffic in order to achieve the following benefits...


  • Building credibility & bringing visitors with relevant & specific intent to your website.

  • You can reach people that have never heard of your brand before.

  • Provides you with a competitive advantage (As Highlander puts it, “The can be only one” in position 1).

  • Measurable Marketing initiatives that integrate well with other marketing initiatives.


Steve Jaenke has been involved in the digital world for over 2 decades. Seeing the power of SEO early in the market he pivoted his business to focus on assisting SMEs to understand and leverage the power of Google.  He was a finalist in the 2021 & 2022 Global Search Awards, and is a recurrent judge for the Australian Web Awards awards.


7.00pm - 8.30pm AEDT - The Life Cycle of a Social Entrepreneur - Em & Taz from Future Isle


Margaret Mead has become the go-to for inspirational quotes on social entrepreneurship. Think...


  • “Never ever depend on governments or institutions to solve any major problems. All social change comes from the passion of individuals.”

  • “I measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her fellow human beings.”


And of course… 

  • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”


Goosebumps, right? In honour of Margaret Mead, we are taking a ‘scientific’ look at the life-cycle of a social entrepreneur. From the early stages of developing an idea, to the ups-and-downs of project implementation, and to the difficult decision to either let a project wind-up or be based on to another custodian, there are always stories to tell and lessons to learn. 


Who better to tell those stories than some of the change makers who are doing inspiring things in their own home towns? Join us for an inspiring, encouraging and hilarious discussion with a group of incredible ABC Trailblazers who are running projects all over regional Australia. 


This session is hosted by Futures Isle, a small best-friend run business based on the banks of the kanamaluka in lutruwita/Tasmania. Futures Isle exists to support people, communities and organisations to find the next step on their journey. We partner with organisations, projects and initiatives that share our values and have meaningful impact. Most importantly though, we love people and places and want to see them shine. 


Em and Taz from Futures Isle will be joined by some of their friends from the ABC Trailblazers program. 


Thursday November 24

10.00am - 12.00am AEDT - Social media - Content from Content - Tanya Creer

You want to drive business through your social media, but you are so busy working on your business you don’t have time to post. Once you learn how to create content from content, you can develop a content plan for your business which will see you spending minutes, not hours, on your social media each week whilst still creating content to engage customers...


  • How to re-use content on different platforms

  • How to create content quickly to avoid time wasting

  • Simple hacks & tech tools to make creating content a breeze!

  • A simple checklist for re-purposing content


Tanya Creer has worked in Media and Marketing as a content producer for 26 years. Her various positions have included Art Director, Creative Director & Senior Designer positions in magazine, television, radio, print & digital. Tanya's skills include animation, graphic design, copywriting, and campaign management.

11am - 12noon AEDT - You Tube for Knuckleheads  - Shane 'Uncle Knackers' Conlan


Video is considered to be the king of content in modern day Marketing & YouTube is the platform where it all began. In this practical hands on session we look at how you can build your audience & develop an income using You Tube including…


  • Video Production – Tips & Tricks on Amateur Video Production

  • Content is King - Developing Content that appeals to viewers

  • YouTube Royalties & Developing Additional Income Streams 

  • How to Build Subscribers & Video Views through You Tube


Shane 'Uncle Knackers' Conlan is a retired carpenter of 20-Years who started playing around with this thing called You Tube in 2010 - posting amateur videos about DIY Home Repair & Beginner Woodworking to his You Tube Channel DIY for Knuckleheads. 12-Years on Uncle Knackers has knocked up over 240 Videos, racked up 330,000 subrscribers & over 40 Million Views of his Videos.

12.00pm - 1.30pm AEDT - Key Steps to Developing a Pricing Strategy - Cheryl Royle


How to price what you sell is one of the most important and troublesome issues for any small business. And, business owners need clear strategies for price-setting to ensure they survive and thrive as a profitable business.  We'll explore...


  • Why it's important to get your Pricing Strategy right.


  • Strategies, tips, and insights on how small business owners can get their pricing right. 


Presented by Hunter Futurepreneurs Entrepreneurship Facilitator, Cheryl Royle, founder of 6 businesses, business coach, & mentor, Sheryl has educated, supported, & coached 1000’s of business owners, & entrepreneurs across Australia.





































2.00pm - 3.00pm AEDT - Pitching in Practice - Conversations, Networking, Presentations & On Stage - Scott Perry


Putting yourself out there to form partnerships, win business and promote your products, services and solutions can be one of the most challenging things many people have to do in business. In so many situations your success depends on you being able to present yourself in a compelling and comfortable manner. Whether you are presenting to another individual, to a larger audience, online or on the phone, there are a few things you can do that will really help you improve your pitch including...



  • Framing your content to minimise objections 

  • Make your pitch conversational and inclusive even when presenting to a crowd

  • Curate a structure for conversations that reduces destraction and potential to run off track 

  • Get more customers more comfortable to buy from you


Presented by Scott Perry - "Scott is a master at pitching - a very passionate coach who really believes in the power of strategic communication. His authenticity as a person, and his very practical insights, inspire a lot of people including me!"































4.00pm - 5.00pm AEDT - So, you want to start a Podcast? - Tracy Sheen


The awareness of podcasting is at an all time high. Podcast listeners are typically a more engaged audience, and will consume regular content. On average a podcast listener will consume around 5 hours of podcasts each week. 1 in 3 Aussies listened to a podcast last month. If you’ve been considering adding a podcast to your marketing suite then this workshop is for you! By the end of this session you will:


  • What a podcast is and why they're so popular

  • Understand how podcasting can be used as a marketing and lead generation tool

  • Know the basics of creating and launching an original podcast series

  • Understand the future of podcasting and how it fits with the rise of voice search

  • What happens after the 'launch'


Presenter Tracy Sheen is the author of “The End of Technophobia” winner of The Australian Business Book of the Year Awards 2021 and Best Technology Book. As an (almost) ten year veteran of podcasting and longest serving judge of the Australian Podcast awards Tracy is one of the few in the country to have helped dozens of businesses launch and build their own show both in Australia and overseas.




Friday November 25

12.00pm - 12.45pm AEDT - How We Cracked Pinterest Advertising


Join Facilitators Nic Bolto and Sheila Kumar as they open the lid on a social media platform that is starting to get traction with a certain customer profile. They will lead you through the steps to get started and share insights on the time and money it takes to make it happen and what it took to get 52,000 views on their board and the stories of conversion that followed. We explore...


  • How Pinterest Differs from other Social Media Channels

  • Getting Started on Pinterest

  • How Much Time & Money it takes to make it happen

  • Building Your Audience on Pinterest


Hosted by Nic Bolto a Winston Churchill Fellow & graduate of the Melbourne Business School. Nic has founded seven enterprises and coached and mentored over 3400 clients in all phases of their business goals, from ideation to validation, from go live to closure and from investment to acquisition.














12.00pm - 1.00pm AEDT - Principles of Accessible Design - Libby Arnold


With over 1 billion people globally with a disability, it's important that your brand is producing content on social media, in blogs, podcasts etc. that are accessible to your audience no matter what their needs are. Accessible design is about bridging aesthetics with function to make information more accessible to those with disabilities using colours, fonts, layouts, etc. that are helpful for your clients with cognitive or mental disabilities like Dyslexia, ADHD, Colour blindness etc. This workshop is developed to help non-designers create accessible content for marketing to help your business reach a wider audience. You'll learn...


  • What accessible design is & Why you need accessible design

  • Difference between accessible and non-accessible content

  • The Principles of Accessible Design including the 7 key elements


Presented by Libby Arnold, Founder of Adlib Creative and has over 5 years’ experience creating bold designs that tell your story.  She has worked on branding and websites for businesses in health, wellbeing, and education, helping them stand out from the crowd with bright, bold designs that are accessible. By bridging aesthetics with functional accessible design, she creates a clear visual language that speaks directly to her clients’ customers on every touchpoint. Using Lib’s mini e-book “The Principles of Accessible Design”, Lib will walk you through how to apply these principles to your marketing content using Canva and other free to low-cost resources.

1.00pm - 2.00pm AEDT - Make the Government your Customer! - Bronwyn Anderson


How to: Procurement with Government an Insider view will cover • an overview on procurement in a government environment • develop new skills and strategies in procurement • keep informed on emerging issues and respond effectively to the contemporary demands and more. This session is all about selling your goods and services to the government including...


  • Focusing on Victorian Government, but relevant to all other levels, this information session will help you capitalise on the governments’ objective to maximise the participation in their procurements of small to medium businesses and create more local jobs.


  • Ms. Bronwyn Anderson will draw on her extensive and successful experience, on both sides of the desk, of procurements in Victoria, throughout Australia and overseas. She will tell you what, in general, works and doesn’t work.


​Presented by Melbourne Entrepreneur Facilitator Bronwyn Anderson has held senior positions of Program Manager/Project Director in Victorian Government for 13 years.  She constructed cost benefit analyses for successful funding applications, benefit management and outcomes realisation plan for submission and acceptance by the Budget and Estimates Committees of the Victorian Parliament. She also led large scale procurement projects and negotiated commercial contracts for approximately $500M in ICT and service delivery contracts, that represent best value for the Government. 

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