Presented by Regional Development Australia & Mid-North Coast Councils on June 20 2024 we're kicking off the inaugural RIP Accelerator supporting local innovators to get their innovation to Market...
Local Innovators – New Start-Ups and Established Businesses with an innovation new to the Market in Tech – Housing – Industry – Agribusiness – Energy – Education – Medical – Sports – Innovation.
Market Ready – You have something tangible that you can take to Market over the 8-Week Program. Maybe just to test it out – maybe it’s to build sales – this Program is all about building traction.
Entrepreneur Ready – You’ve got the Innovation, but do you have the Mindset to take it to Market. Don’t apply if you’re not yet ready to see this baby through. There’s guaranteed to be rejection…time out of your comfort zone…peer pressure…no pain no gain!
2-Day Intensive – 2-Days face-to-face support at A-Team HQ in Sawtell where you’ll work with experienced Entrepreneurs to get clear on your Action Plan on what you need to do to take your Innovation to Market for validation.
8-Week Virtual Program starting June 24 focussed on putting that Action Plan into place through weekly Accountability & Skills sessions & working with a group of Peers to support one another to validate your idea in the Market.
1 Ticket to Local Luminaries on Thursday June 20. Hear from local Entrepreneurs who’ve walked the walk & Angel Investors who’ve supported hundreds of regional start-ups to find out the secret sauce to making your idea fly.
Certified Individual DISC Profile Session plus a facilitated workshop to better understand profiling and how to use it to your advantage when pitching investors – building sales – closing deals & building teams.
Access to our Network of Regional Mentors & Entrepreneurs in Residence here at the A-Team plus access to Sydney Start-Up Hubs Virtual Experts in Residence Program with a swag of Entrepreneurs from a variety of backgrounds.
1 Ticket to shine at our Grand Finale Pitch Event to wrap the Program on Thursday August 22. Hosted by the Accelerator Team you’ll get the opportunity to pitch to potential investors, users & stakeholders in the regional innovation space.


2-Day Intensive – 12-Hours face-to-face on June 20 & 21.
Weekly Accountability Sessions – 1-Hour per week over 8-Weeks
Weekly Skills Sessions – 1-Hour per week over 8-Weeks
Your Own Time – Whatever it takes to build traction over 8-weeks.

The Host
Courtney Tune
Courtney has split his career between the Public Sector & the Small Business world with just over 10-years in both. He’s been through the grind of building businesses in the Hospitality & Consultancy spaces & he’s experienced the challenges of building a career in Local Government. Through Alt-Collective he’s supported over 800 Clients - through over 250 Workshops & Special Programs, & over 1,000 1on1 Coaching Sessions.

The Entrepreneur
Scotty Schindler
The Founder of ReNet Real Estate Software - Scotty grew the company from 1 Client in 2002 to over 5,000 Clients throughout Australia & New Zealand by 2015. When Scotty sold the Company in 2015 it had amassed over 1.125 Trillion Dollars in Real Estate Sales. Our guru in all things Sales (prior to ReNet Scotty spent 10-Years in door-to-door insurance sales) & getting a product to Market.

The Facilitator
Cherie Topfer
Cherie Topfer, Founding Director of YEP Careers, is a visionary leader with 30+ years of strategic experience in HR, Education, and Training. Her dedication lies in unleashing entrepreneurial potential in communities, igniting the entrepreneurial spirit in individuals, and driving lasting, meaningful change. She achieves this by collaborating with governments, businesses, and local organisations to promote social and economic progress.

Value - $3,990 – through support from Regional Development Australia & Partners we can subsidise the cost of the Accelerator Program for local innovators including…
$199 – Innovators Based on the Mid-North Coast qualify for the super subsidy thanks to our MNC Partners – Regional Development Australia & Local Councils.
Scholarships – Female Founder…First-Nations Founder…Just hard up for cash? We’re offering free spots for those Founders that we don’t see enough of in these Programs.